This article will cover how to create Individual Authorizations and Group Authorizations. 

1. Click "clients" on the left hand menu and search for the client you would like to add an authorization for.    

2. Click "edit". 

3. Click Authorization tab. You'll see 3 options: Add Authorization, View Auth. History, and Add Group Authorization. 

4. First, lets click on "Add Authorization". A pop-up will appear. 

5. Select therapist type and the individual who will be working with this client. Then fill in the following authorization info.  

Authorization #

Valid from and Valid to dates

Hours # of total hours 

    Example: if 1 unit = 15 minutes and 16 units of G9012 are authorized, it equates to 4 hours for supervision. 

    Example: if 1 unit = 15 minutes and 240 units are authorized for H2019, the authorization equates to 60 hours for direct         intervention.

Report due date

Billed under i.e. company, analyst, therapist

Max Billing Maximum number of hours that can be completed in one day - i.e. 4

Billing Code CPT Code – i.e., 0364T / 0365T

Recommended number of hours Breakdown per week – i.e. 10 hours per week. 

Notes any relevant info you may want to add

Once finished, click "save". 

6. Adding a group authorization is similar to the steps above. The only difference is that you will be adding more than one individual to the authorization. 

7. Check off all items wanted. Fill in authorization info and click "save". 

8. Authorizations will appear.


9. Click "graph" to view how many hours have been completed. 

10. Click "Authorization Instructions" to view/add more info.