Occasionally, users may need to enter raw data into the portal without using the app. To do so, users should go to the "Data Input" tab in the Clinical section of a client.    

In the "Data Input" tab:

  1. Select Reduction or Acquisition
  2. Select the Behavior Target or Skill
  3. If enter acquisition data you will also need to select a target
  4. Fill out the controls that appear, they will load based on the data collection type

In the example above, for Correct vs Incorrect, you can enter in how many correct trials and incorrect trials were collected, the date, if this is a new session or you are adding data to an existing session, and what type of data is this (e.g. baseline or intervention) 

In the example above, for a reduction behavior with rate as the data collection type, you would enter in the time observed, number of occurrences, date, whether the session is new or should be added to a previous session, and whether the data is intervention or baseline.